Several months ago a poster was sent to our Harley-Davidson dealership, Montana Harley-Davidson in Missoula, Montana. Along with the poster there was an invitation to accept a challenge to ride an air-cooled VTwin Harley Davidson motorcycle from Key West, Florida to Homer, Alaska...over 7000 miles for a chance to win $500,000 in Alaskan gold! Only one winner, only 1000 riders. Two countries and one battle cry, "Hoka Hey", meaning, "It's a good day to die". Crazy Horse's warriors embodied that battle cry, and now the Hoka Hey Challenge has organized a motorcycle endurance race for the true riders, with glory in their guts and adventure in their souls, and their spirits forever in the wind. Hoka Hey asked one question, "Are you a chosen one?"
Chris Johnson, General Manager of Montana Harley-Davidson answered, "HELL YES!!" This Blog is dedicated to his preparation, his ride, his adventure, and his love of motorcycling.
Chris Johnson, General Manager of Montana Harley-Davidson answered, "HELL YES!!" This Blog is dedicated to his preparation, his ride, his adventure, and his love of motorcycling.
Join us on this epic motorcycle adventure. Chris will post photos, videos, and blogs from the road...Hoka Hey! It's a good day to ride!

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