Tuesday, June 22, 2010

So lets talk about Sex for a while

Doesn't that make you wanna read it? Maybe even first huh. Don't know if anyone is reading this, or cares....but thank you to those that are helping me get stuff posted....so appreciate it. Also thank you to everyone who despite asking to have no texts sent, continue to offer up words of encouragement. It is a damn hard ride. I won't lie, I wasn't excited today....at first. But just like every time I go out, it is sheer enjoyment.
I don't know what I will find out here....maybe nothing. Maybe I will simply do the race, be done with it, and occasionally remember that I did it. I know that with any amount of "Yeah, I'm gonna frame that.", it won't happen. So...perhaps it fades away like trying to remember what your prom dates name was....Jen? Casey?

Anyway, just liked the title...no sex to discuss. We talk about that too much anyway. Sex is one of those things that should involve less discussion and more doing.

I am going to tell you however that I know more about HD bikes than you do. All of you. I know what one will do well, and what it won't. Those of you "mechanical" types just comb your hair back down...I mean no disrespect. You can know more about how the engine works, and how the knee bone connects to the elbow.
Ok, here it is.

There is no need for a 6th gear. Now I know some of you are bristling, so listen up. The way the 6th gear is set up in the big twins makes it worthless....if it was different, maybe. But, it does not cool the engine. Period. It does not get you better gas mileage. Period. It has less accelerating power than a push mower. Facts all.
Now, before you start arguing, remember....I have really ridden this bike.... a lot. I have already done more miles this week than most of you will do this year, and some of you in a lifetime. So, not bragging, but I know what I am saying.
If you want to argue it being cooler, maybe....but seriously, its not enough to matter. If you want to argue mileage, you are going to have to prove it to me....to actually prove it, it will cost you money....but if you can prove it, I will retract. If you want to argue the power.....get real.
HD does some things well, and some things not so well. Take 6th gear as an example. I know you all think its so dreamy.....but I am telling you, I wont use it again on this journey. Now you think about that before you insist you must have it. But what they do well, is touring. You co-owners (meaning BMW or Ducati, or Honda etc) as well as HD need to pay attention here. Your bikes do some things better than anyone else. But on the topic of capable all around best road bikes made for touring, there is HD. No Beemer freaks.....it ain't you. I too have owned them, and yes they are good at some things....but this is HD's country. I know you will likely post some 52 page opinion as to why a BMW is better....but just don't ok? I don't really care to argue with you. You're wrong, I'm right. Just live with it. It's not that bad.

Ok, one final note, and I am going to bed......
It,s 7:23pm here.
Where is here? Far eastern edge of Oklahoma.
I will sleep until 10 or so, and ride all night.
Headed to the Grand Canyon, then up to Wyoming.
2,780 something miles on this leg of the journey.
No, I won't be checking in today. Probably not tomorrow either....but I am feisty sometimes.....maybe.

1 comment:

Chick Beckley said...

Damn, Chris, I wanted a 7th gear. It would be a perfect shift at about 110mph.

Guess I'm outa luck...