Wednesday, June 16, 2010

So today is the day, and it hasn't lived up to the hype

So today I left Missoula....about 5 hours ago actually, and I am sitting in the SLC airport waiting. After a day of fun with the kids, a trip to the casino, and a lot of help from a friend, I finally got packed by the middle of the day today. Focused and ready for my red eye to Miami.
First encounter of course is the TSA. For those of you that is my rant.
I hate the TSA.
Created under the Bush administration, blessed by the Congress, this governmental organization has created a state of insanity in travel.
Example: Missoula airport: 4:15pm. I am in line. An insanely long line....waiting while they are hand patting down a woman who must have been 70. Everyone waited while this was done. Now I know its not this way everywhere, but seriously, I wanted a coffee. I stood there, one in a long line of shoeless white guys just trying to get on a plane. Guys unlacing work boots that don't do much work, and relacing during stories of how awesome the Nascar race was last weekend. I am sick. Just want a coffee.

I got my Liquid Planet, just in time to get on board a quick little flight to Vegas. Gonna have a couple hours there, then sleep all night into Miami.

But I am here in Salt Lake, going on hour 3. Not sure where my checked bag is gonna be, or on what airline. We got grounded here for some reason, and the plane we needed didn't show. So now I am waiting to get a 20 min flight to Vegas, where I will wait until 2 am for a plane to take me to magical Memphis Tenn. Where I will wait for 3 hours to catch a plane that will take me to Miami. Which, if all goes right means I can get to my bike by 2pm tomorrow....hopefully with a bag.

I know its a stretch....but somehow I think this is John Ashcrofts fault. Idiot.

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