Friday, June 18, 2010

Someone call Flannigan's and tell them Scooterville is NOT under the green awning

Yes my followers, scooterville is Key West. The whole island. Full of 'em. Young ones, old ones fat ones skinny ones.....they all drive scooters. Almost sounds like an ad doesn't it?
So that little place on Russell? Yeah, not so much. But they probably already knew that.

So Key West, other than scooters is awesome. Truly love it here, and I am already looking at property. Other than sticky southern humidity, its always warm, little breeze, sunshine with an occasional Island burst that cools it down. I ate fresh fish on the dock....yeah, that kind of fresh, in a place call the Shrimp Shak. It is a building on the fishing harbor, that processes the catches of the on the side is a little grill. You just tell them what you want, and grab a table on the dock. Awesome.
The Southern Most Hotel that I am at is nice, and out my door is the pool area....very nice, and a restaurant. Across the street is the Southern Most Point in the US. A big marker there. It says its 90 miles to Cuba from there. Miami is further.
I just spent the day registering my bike, doing the tech inspection, going to the airport to find my luggage....which is still missing, and am now back at the room writing this update, charging my phone, loving the A/C.

I don't want to get back into the disaster it was getting here, but If I told you that 3 times I got moved to different planes, had my seats cancelled mid-flight by another Chris Johnson that was flying exactly the same time on the same flight, but a different destination, and that my 10 hour flight took me 22.5 hours to finish, that should suffice. This in a nutshell is why my luggage is missing also.
But a very nice lady at the Key West airport named Genie has my cell number, and she is finding that bag.
Speaking of bags:
Do not try and get a golden haze to your skin. In fact, stay so white your clear. Really. For every hottie (gender not important), there is 2 bags. Meaning, too bags of wrinkled, saggy brown skin walking around. It really takes the edge off paying a premium for property. Thing is, and girls listen....they are not all old. Many of them I would call at 40 tops.
Yet they are bags. Yuck.

Ok, enough rambling....I have a bike to pack. I am counting on my final piece of luggage making to today, but either way I need to redo the bike and prep it. There is a party tonight on Duvall for the riders, but I am opting for a dinner on the pier where everyone gathers to watch the sun set each night. I am told there is always like music, and its a good local flavor. I know how bikers party, and like you, I pass.

1 comment:

Chick Beckley said...


As one who travels around 80K miles a year, I feel your pain. Rest up and get the leg healthy. We're pulling for you and look forward to seeing you in Missoula.

- Chick Beckley